Monday, July 29, 2019

Leadership and Management in Health Visiting Essay

Leadership and Management in Health Visiting - Essay Example "Leader is a person who leads, commands, or precedes a group, organization or a country". "Manager is a person who manages an organization or a group of staff. A person who controls the professional activities of a performer or a player is also called a Manager or a person in charge of activities, tactics, and training of a team." Oxford Dictionary Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in such a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. They carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Although the position of manager gives one authority to carry out certain tasks, and objectives in the organization, this power does not make one leader, but it simply makes you 'Boss'. Leadership differs in that it makes followers wish to achieve high goals, rather than simply bossing people around. Basis of good leadership is honorable character, selfless service to your organization. In your employee's eyes, your leadership is everything you do that effects organization's objectives and wellbeing. Respected Leaders concentrate on what they are (such as beliefs and characters) what they know (such as job, tasks and human nature) and what they do (such as implementing, motivating, and providing direction). Health Visitors are community health professionals (midwives, comm... Health Visiting is thus at the heart of services for children. Their work is highly valued across the system, and with their public health nursing and family support skills, they are an integral part of children's services. Principles of health visiting are the search for health needs; create an awareness of health needs, influence on the policies affecting health, and facilitation of health enhancing activities. Universality of health visiting service is vital for the early identification of problems. In partnership with health visitors families will continue to receive a health needs assessment. For families with no identified needs, a minimum program is proposed. This will allow Health.Visitor. to target their service to most vulnerable families. Health visiting team can be made fit to respond to the changing needs of health and service care agenda, by building skill mix team with greater responsibilities and accountability. . Sure Start is the cornerstone of government's drive to tackle child poverty and social exclusion. Sure Start works to provide childcare, early education, health and family support services for children below 5 years. These integrated services are delivered through children's centres,which are concentrated in most disadvantaged areas till date.By this year (2006) they are planning to come to the mainstream since local audit has shown that 30% of the country's (U.K.)vulnerable children are living outside this area. This guidance is given in 3 parts to Local authorities, Primary care trusts, Children's Centre Managers and Practitioners. - Section 02 deals with planning and running a centre, Section 03-10 focus on the delivery of services, Section 11-14 focus on the working with different groups. In brief practice guidance states

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